T: 503.893.9417
F: 503.334.2902
1826 NE Broadway Street
Portland, Oregon 97232
Being terminated from a job is just as bad as going through a death of a friend or family member. It can cause deep emotional turmoil, stress, anxiety, and even depression. What can make a termination even more horrifying is if you think it is because of discrimination, complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination, or because someone doesn't like something about you that is a part of who you are.
Was I fired/disciplined because of something that is a part of who I am?
Was I fired/disciplined because I complained to HR about something that happened to me?
Was I fired/disciplined because I gave a witness statement to HR about something I witnessed that I felt was wrong.
I was fired/disciplined because I feel that my employer just didn't like me for something about who I am, and I feel that it was discriminatory.
All claims have a very specific timeframes in which to protect your rights, otherwise you're forever barred from bringing a claim. So not seeking advice when everything happens can actually work against you. Don't wait and contact Yanchar Law today!
While Oregon is a at-will state, meaning that you can be fired for anything your employer wants (unless you have a contract that states otherwise), an employer is not allowed to terminate, retaliate, demote, or any other negative employment action, on the basis of some very specific classifications. It is good to note here that whether or not you have a valid state or federal claim, will depend on your individual scenario and you should contact Yanchar Law now! The classes that are protected are the following:
Gender (also includes pregnancy and gender identity)
Sexual Orientation
Disability, even if the employer thought you had a disability
FMLA or OFLA protected leave
Citizenship status or unfair document practices
National Origin
Religious beliefs
Family status (meaning you are married, have kids, etc)
Retaliation for being involved in some reporting of discrimination or participating in a proceeding
Hostile work environment (in limited situations)
So if you think any of the above apply to your situation, or you''re asking yourself any of the following questions, or potentially many other questions, the chances are you should contact Yanchar Law now: